Still no speaker

McCarthy ain't got it

And the saga continues...

Kevin McCarthy's loss in the bid for speaker of the house marks the first time in over 150 years that it's taken over 10 votes to elect a new speaker of the house. This hadn't happened since before the Civil War when Nathaniel Banks failed to secure the speakership in 1855. McCarthy's loss is a wild turn of events. It shows that the conservative parts of the republican party are serious about confronting their establishment counter parts.

MTG throw Boebert under the bus

The besties are fighting! MTG clearly got some sort of deal for working with McCarthy, which isn't a surprise. It's just weird to see MTG on the establishment side of things.

Good news from the NFL

Damar Hamlin whose heart stopped after a normal football play is awake and responsive. They're saying a full recovery is on the table and that's great news.